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Welcome to the Lab Results Interface (LRI) Validation Suite

The NIST Lab Results Interface (LRI) Validation Suite is intended for ONC Certification Testing of HIT Modules. The validation suite provides functionality to test LRI senders (e.g., an LIS) and LRI receivers (e.g., an EHR).The LRI test tool covers the §170.314(b)(6) Transmission of Electronic Laboratory Tests and Values/Results to Ambulatory Providers (Inpatient setting only) and the §170.314(b)(5)(A) Incorporate Laboratory Tests and Values/Results Test Procedure. Use the LIS Context-based Validation Tab for the "transmit" test procedure and the EHR Context-based Validation Tab for the "incorporate"" test procedure.

A Google Group (HL7v2 Lab Testing) has been established for discussion/questions regarding the test tool and testing issues. No membership is required. A google account is required for posting

The following browsers are supported: Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9, Firefox, and Chrome. Recommended browsers are Internet Explorer 9, Firefox and Chrome.